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Happy Halloween!


Hello everyone ! I thought, that a nice break from my travel blog, would be a piece about everything Fall & Halloween related! Ah I really just love this time of the year! And I tried to pack our October with festive things to do! I hope you all have a spooktacular Halloween!

We started getting into the season by first visiting a pumpkin patch. I looked on Yelp where to go in L.A. and I found two fairly reputable places. We went to the one closes to us, which was in Encino, Tapias Brothers Farm, they grow fruits and vegetables yearly, and have a pumpkin patch during the holiday. Let me tell you, growing up in a small farming community, I had high expectations that I was going to a large pumpkin patch where you can pick your pumpkin off the vine, NOPE. Not here, we showed up and pumpkins where just sitting on pallets, it was nice, just not what I was expecting at all. We walked around, they had animals and lots of adorable decorations.

Also, there was goats, ah! I was so excited! For those of you who do not know, I am in love and obsessed with goats, I find them so cute!!!

The pumpkins were a fairly good price, about $6 dollars or so, but I wanted to check out the other pumpkin patch just in case. We headed a bit more south to Sherman Oaks, and we stumbled upon an even smaller farm, same set-up. There we found two perfect pumpkins. I got a white one, and Jeff got a perfect orange. We payed $7 dollars for both! Much better deal! We brought our little pumpkins home, and set them up on the porch.

Later in the week, we went grocery shopping, and I got some ingredients to make some delicious pumpkin-spice-chocolate-chip cookies. They are one of my favorite fall cookies! They are just three ingredients, a box of spice cake, chocolate chips, and one small can of pumpkin, mixed together and baked at 350 for about 12 minutes, and viola! The recipe yields a good amount, however, Jeff and my roomates were obsessed, and they went fast!

We went on an impromptu fall hike/walk during dusk, and it was absolutely breathtaking! We went to the Woodley Avenue Park, and we walked around the basin. I really wanted to see some fall foliage, but in L.A. no luck. So, this hike had to suffice!

So if you are looking for some fall hikes/walks, I would highly recommend it going here!

Apart of my festive celebrations of fall and halloween, consisted of creating and making a package to send to my little baby nieces, that I love love love! They are so so adorable! They live all the way in northern Utah, so I don't get to see them that often, but I love being able to be an auntie and do stuff like this! Making a care-package is super fun and easy, and because I love target so much, we went shopping there! I picked out some fun things like a coloring book, and stickers, for my niece who is a toddler and then got a cutie outfit for my very little baby niece!

Seriously, there's nothing greater than being a big sister, and an auntie!

Of coarse it's not a halloween without craving pumpkins, so Jeff and I spent last weekend knee-deep in pumpkin guts and craved up our little pumpkins! It was a blast! I would recommend getting small pumpkins, it's way less work, clean-up and just as fun to carve! Our roomate also carved his pumpkin a few days after us! I took some pics of all three together! Also we defiantly carved them a little bit to early, but, they'll be great for tonight!

Mine is the sunflower looking one, Jeff's is the smaller one in the back, and front and center is the roomates! He had a small smoke machine in his!

While grocery shopping last week, I stumbled upon tiny little apples, and so in the idea of festivity and fun fall, I made tiny little carmel apples! They were so yummy! For me, part of the holidays, is getting to make lots of treats, and doing fun activities!

We did a little bit of decorating around the house, but nothing to big, and few lights here and there and some cobwebs! We both have to work today and tomorrow, so it looks like we'll be staying at home and handing out candy, watching spooky movies, which we have been doing all week! We'll cuddle up, since it's finally cold enough to grab a blanket in L.A.! I Hope you all have an amazing Halloween! Thanks for reading!

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